성균관대학교 신소재공학부
원병묵 교수 연구실
Byung Mook Weon
Associate Professor
Prof. Weon graduated Sungkyunkwan University in 1997 for BS degree and POSTECH in 1999 for MS degree. Then he moved to LG Electronics for military service during 1999- 2005. He moved to POSTECH in 2005 and finished PhD degree in 2008. He joined Physics Department in Harvard University for Postdoc research during 2008-2010. Since 2010 to 2013, he worked as Research Professor at POSTECH and since 2013 until now as Associate Professor in Sungkyunkwan University. Prof. Weon organized Soft Matter Physics Laboratory and so far, is studying on fundamental and applied research of soft materials.
School of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering
Sungkyunkwan Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology (SAINT)
Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 16419, Korea
Office: #25229 @ Engineering Building II (제2공학관 25동 229호)
Office TEL: +82-31-290-7406 (Fax. 7410)
E-mail: bmweon@skku.edu, bmweon@hotmail.com
2017.03 - present : Associate Professor in SKKU
2013.03 - 2017.02 : Assistant Professor in SKKU
2013.10 - present : Editorial Board of Scientific Reports
2010.07 - 2013.02 : Research Assistant Professor in POSTECH
2008.09 - 2010.06 : Postdoc in Harvard University (Prof. David Weitz)
2008.02 - 2009.08 : Postdoc in POSTECH (Prof. Jung Ho Je)
2005.03 - 2008.02 : PhD in POSTECH (Prof. Jung Ho Je)
1999.02 - 2005.02 : LG Electronics & LG.Philips Displays (including Military)
1997.03 - 1999.02 : MS in POSTECH (Prof. Jung Ho Je)
1993.03 - 1997.02 : BS in Sungkyunkwan University
Referees of Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, Physical Review E, Soft Matter, Chemical Communications, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, PLoS ONE, Langmuir, Biogerontology, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, RSC Advances, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, Journal of Materials Science, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, etc.
Members of American Physical Society, Materials Research Society, Korean Physical Society, Korean Society of Microscopy, etc.
2013.12 - present : 한국현미경학회 학술이사
2014.07 - 2019.02 : 수도권대학 신소재-화공 특성화사업단 간사